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Bay to Breakers

The Bay to Breakers, a century-old annual running event, is a San Francisco icon. With its inception dating back to 1912, this race showcases the city’s vibrant spirit, drawing tens of thousands of participants annually, making it one of the world’s largest and most unique footraces.

From a record-breaking 110,000 participants in 1986, to colourful costumes that grace the race route each year, the Bay to Breakers encapsulates more than 113 years of rich history and San Francisco quirkiness in one timeless event.

Our Role

The UNITE team is thrilled to leverage its extensive experience in cultivating impactful partnerships to bolster the Bay to Breakers running event. As stewards of the event’s sponsorship program, UNITE will introduce and integrate corporate partners to the mix in ways that will resonate with runners, spectators, and San Francisco residents alike – increasing the overall profile and impact of the event.

For more information about partnership opportunities, contact us at hello@unitepartnerships.com